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New bikes for sale.jpg
Python elite 2.jpg
Probike Knight 18inch.jpg
New bikes for sale.jpg

New Cycles

We have a range of new cycles available and are happy to order new cycles from our suppliers, please ask for more information.

Try the bikes for size so you purchase the right one, bike geometry varies greatly between bikes. 

We are more than happy to advise with sizings.

The new bike showroom.jpg
New bike build.jpg
Probike Odin.jpg
Probike mini vintage.jpg

Examples of Current Stock and those available to order.

Unicorn 12 14.jpg
Knight 12 14.jpg
Fairy 12 14.jpg
Ultrabot 16 18.jpg
Ultrabot 12 14.jpg
Heidi 16 18.jpg
Knight 16 18.jpg
Python ELite 18inch.jpg
Striker 20.jpg
Tracker 20.jpg
Freespirit Summer.jpg
Mini Vintage 15.jpg
Escape 14 16 18.jpg
Enfold .jpg
Tracker 26.jpg
Vintage Ladies.jpg
Escape Ladies.jpg
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